Tuesday, April 04, 2006

True Beauty

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Lately I have seen alot of posts on forums and blogs about Marriage. The main problem is that alot of us have forgotten what true beauty is. We always describe something as beautiful based on it's external appearance rather than it's internal appearance. The saying "don't judge a book by it's cover" is so true.

Sadly alot of us know this, however we still fall into this trap. May Maharaj open our eyes. I have typed up a sakhi about Sri Guru Har Krishan Sahib Ji Maharaj and a leper, which relates to this. Please take the time to read it:

One day Guru Har Krishan Sahib Ji Maharaj went out on horse back to visit some neighbouring places. People came with simple and humble offerings.

But far apart from everyone stood a man as if he was afraid to come close to Maharaj. He was carrying on his body the dreadful malady, the living death that sucks out the vital fluid from the human body, eats away the joy of life and renders him horrible and loathsome. He was a leper.

Guru Hari Krishan Ji Maharaj looked at him with compassion and friendly sympathy. The young Guru not only carried the burden of human sorrow in his heart but also strength of action and power of healing. In a gesture of bestowing his loving mercy on the leper he placed his hand on his head, bent low by humiliating suffering.

He spoke to him with such deep concern and sympathy, that the leper was amazed at the gentleness and grandeur of Guru Sahib's compassion and concern for him. For the first time in his life he heard anyone having some faith in the hidden dignity of his soul. Guru Ji's words awakened a new consciousness and a new power within him.

On meeting and seeing the radiant face of Guru Ji, who was bringing with warmths and mercy for him, he felt he had changed from within. He regained his inner strength, confidence and will to live with his face turned away from the darkness of life. He felt that he was only a wounded soldier who had allowed his wounds to become festering sore.

The malady had made him forget that he was a soldier in the battlefield of life and he must fight for glory and victory without caring for his body. Now God had sent him the Supreme Healer, who had within him an infinite power to cure the moral, spiritual and physical deformities of men like him. The leper felt greatly exalted morally and spiritually. His inherent virtues of humility, and the courage to suffer with patience now became sources of strength, He felt greatly relieved when Guru Har Krishan assured him that he had a beautiful soul.

And now, when that soul was filled with the Light of Divine Power, the leper felt and visibly saw that many people who were dressed in glamorous clothes, and were physically attractive outwardly were plagued with unbelief, cowardice, selfishness, cruelty. He was much better than these sinful and distorted souls. With his awakened consciousness, he could see many people in robust health slowly dying with cancerous maladies in their souls. The new fount of spiritual power opened within his heart discharged a new healing energy, with which his leprosy began to heal and disappear.

Kavi Santokh Singh writes: "Guru Har Krishan dispelled people's sorrows, fulfilled their ambitions, imparted to the Light of True Name of God, He erased evil from the mind of the people and inspired them with patience righteousness and charity. Thus Sikhism flowered and illumined the hearts of the seekers. From distant lands devotees came to seek his benediction and healing touch. He cheered them up and removed their affliction."
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh


Pritam Singh Khalsa said...

Very inspiring. I love blogs of this sort.The really are the only blogs really worth anything

Anonymous said...

i agree with gombesa 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000%