Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
Narag Surag Avathaar

naanak naam bisaariai narak surag avathaar O Nanak, forgetting the Naam, he is reincarnated into heaven and hell.
Narak Surag avtaar means that one is sent to narak or swarag based on one’s deeds. At Dharam Rai’s discretion, one can be sent back to Karam bhoomi i.e. human form too. Or one can be sent back to earth as a bhog jooni i.e. non-human form. Any karam did in bhog jooni i.e. non-human form is not accounted for as karma. Non-human forms are only for bhog purpose i.e. to fulfil reactions of karma.
In order to get into swarag or narak, new body forms are given. In swarag, where one gets all kind of worldly pleasures, one’s body does not get old. Same way in some naraks, one’s body gets all kinds of pains and has to endure tortures but it does not die. It has to stay alive and suffer all dukhs.
Naam Simran
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
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