Tuesday, March 21, 2006

"If you stop trying, you'll become my brother quicker"

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

The world sings Sant Bhindranwale's eternal story

The first thing I noticed about Bhindranwale was that he made everybody feel welcome.

Nobody was an outsider with him, no matter what their appearance, clean-shaven or bearded. He was very human, very soft. He was firm on his views, of course, but he had a sense of humor, too.

He asked me, "When are you going to become my brother [when are you going to become orthodox, grow a beard]?"

I answered, "Well, I'll try."

But he laughed and said, "If you just stop trying, you'll become my brother quicker. From the facial aspect, I mean!"

What he meant was that if I just let nature take its course, if I didn't shave, I would look like a Sikh more quickly.

This was the way he would gently remind people to live as Sikhs. He was clear in his example, but he didn't put pressure on me or anything. Everyone would feel comfortable in his presence.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

1 comment:

Virdi said...

:-) He was cool... Playing with words is what the leaders of today are so good at...
