Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Bandgi Nama by Raghbir Singh Bir - Chapter 1


What is a Sikh

Literally, the word " Sikh " means a student, one who is anxious to learn, a seeker of Truth; a seeker of divine knowledge. The true Sikh grooms his body, faces all temptations, all allurements of mammon, earns his living with the sweat of his brow, meets his domestic commitments, serves his family, his parents, his kith and kin and friends, his country and the human race and yet, in thought, stands unaffected and disentangled. And in the course of his daily routine, he gives the first and foremost place to the problem of knowing his real Self. Whichever role he plays, the desire to understand the mystery of life keeps him fully occupied. He has full faith in his objective. He is, therefore, an embodiment of optimism and unshakeable resolve.

No attractions of the world, no temptations, no allurements, no hurdles can deflect the innate desire of the true Sikh to realize God. He might suffer defeat temporarily, but he cannot be entirely conquered.

The Sikh has full faith in Guru Nanak the same faith that the child has in its mother. Re believes that while holding fast to Guru Nanak, he can find his way through the Vanity Fair, through the milling multitudes, through the dust and din, without losing his way. He has full faith not blink faith in the World of the Master. He strives to fully grasp the World of the Master. He knows that without understanding, and without divine knowledge, our deeds cannot be flawless. The Sikh, therefore, despite his faith in the truth of the Word, is daring enough to try to understand it and to act upon it. He tests it on the touchstone of his own experience.

The Sikh knows, too, that his research is the most arduous of all researches in the world. Impatience and restiveness will not lead anywhere. He is, therefore, firm and unshakeable as
a rock in his Perseverance. He pauses where he fails to follow the Master's Word. He prays for Light humbly, beseechingly, reverently, and waits patiently for response to his prayers. He knows that God's storehouse is bountiful, but each one of us receives gifts according to our individual circumstances, and fair needs. The Sikh, therefore, waits and watches like the true lover.

Hafiz has well said, “Some day you will be at one with God, if you have patience enough." The Sikh knows that he is to rise from the human level to that of Super-consciousness and these two levels are poles as under. This gap has to be bridged and all the distance in between to be traversed. This cannot be done in a day or two- it would be a rare piece of luck if the objective is realized in a lifetime. Patience and faith are, therefore, his constant companions in his journey.

Failures do not deter the Sikh. The baptism of steel makes him a perfect soldier. He can resist, with the force of arms, falsehood, oppression, injustice. Similarly, he is constantly at war with his own Self, his lower nature, with his frailties and the manifold misfortunes that arise from such weaknesses. He hacks his way through sin, trampling it to forge his way ahead. The Sikhs mind is a battlefield where he ever battles with the old Adam in him.

Baptism, Sikh discipline, or maryada, recitation of the Word, Kirtan, or chanting and listening to God's praises, are all necessary. But the true Sikh must also know that all these are means to an end ; they are not in themselves the goal. The central aim and aspiration of the Sikh is to see God, to realize God to be one with God. He who is perfectly conscious of his end and aim, must, sooner or later, realize his objective.

At one time, I regarded the study of Sikh history, and listening to the tales of Sikh martyrs as the core of Sikhism and was prone to quiz and twit the reciters of the Word and lovers of Naam. As I advanced in spiritual enlightenment, I took more delight in the sacred Word than in the old Sikh chronicles. I felt contented with listening to Kirtan, with Word-recitation with Gurdwara-going, and with formal poring over the sacred Book. But this did not fully satisfy me. My soul hungered and thirsted for abiding bliss.

This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Gauree on Ang 240

ਗਉੜੀ ਮਹਲਾ 5॥
ਆਦਿ ਮਧਿ ਜੋ ਅੰਤਿ ਨਿਬਾਹੈ ॥ ਸੋ ਸਾਜਨੁ ਮੇਰਾ ਮਨੁ ਚਾਹੈ ॥1॥
ਹਰਿ ਕੀ ਪ੍ਰੀਤਿ ਸਦਾ ਸੰਗਿ ਚਾਲੈ ॥
ਦਇਆਲ ਪੁਰਖ ਪੂਰਨ ਪ੍ਰਤਿਪਾਲੈ ॥1॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥
ਬਿਨਸਤ ਨਾਹੀ ਛੋਡਿ ਨ ਜਾਇ ॥
ਜਹ ਪੇਖਾ ਤਹ ਰਹਿਆ ਸਮਾਇ ॥2॥
ਸੁੰਦਰੁ ਸੁਘੜੁ ਚਤੁਰੁ ਜੀਅ ਦਾਤਾ ॥
ਭਾਈ ਪੂਤੁ ਪਿਤਾ ਪ੍ਰਭੁ ਮਾਤਾ ॥3॥
ਜੀਵਨ ਪ੍ਰਾਨ ਅਧਾਰ ਮੇਰੀ ਰਾਸਿ ॥
ਪ੍ਰੀਤਿ ਲਾਈ ਕਰਿ ਰਿਦੈ ਨਿਵਾਸਿ ॥4॥
ਮਾਇਆ ਸਿਲਕ ਕਾਟੀ ਗੋਪਾਲਿ ॥
ਕਰਿ ਅਪੁਨਾ ਲੀਨੋ ਨਦਰਿ ਨਿਹਾਲਿ ॥5॥
ਸਿਮਰਿ ਸਿਮਰਿ ਕਾਟੇ ਸਭਿ ਰੋਗ ॥
ਚਰਣ ਧਿਆਨ ਸਰਬ ਸੁਖ ਭੋਗ ॥6॥
ਪੂਰਨ ਪੁਰਖੁ ਨਵਤਨੁ ਨਿਤ ਬਾਲਾ ॥
ਹਰਿ ਅੰਤਰਿ ਬਾਹਰਿ ਸੰਗਿ ਰਖਵਾਲਾ ॥7॥
ਕਹੁ ਨਾਨਕ ਹਰਿ ਹਰਿ ਪਦੁ ਚੀਨ ॥
ਸਰਬਸੁ ਨਾਮੁ ਭਗਤ ਕਉ ਦੀਨ ॥8॥11॥

gourree mehalaa 5
aadh madhh jo a(n)th nibaahai so saajan maeraa man chaahai 1
har kee preeth sadhaa sa(n)g chaalai
dhaeiaal purakh pooran prathipaalai 1 rehaao
binasath naahee shhodd n jaae
jeh paekhaa theh rehiaa samaae 2
su(n)dhar sugharr chathur jeea dhaathaa
bhaaee pooth pithaa prabh maathaa 3
jeevan praan adhhaar maeree raas
preeth laaee kar ridhai nivaas 4
maaeiaa silak kaattee gopaal
kar apunaa leeno nadhar nihaal 5
simar simar kaattae sabh rog
charan dhhiaan sarab sukh bhog 6
pooran purakh navathan nith baalaa
har a(n)thar baahar sa(n)g rakhavaalaa 7
kahu naanak har har padh cheen
sarabas naam bhagath ko dheen 811

Gauree, Fifth Mehl:
My mind longs for that Friend, who shall stand by me in the beginning, in the middle and in the end. 1
The Lord's Love goes with us forever.
The Perfect and Merciful Lord cherishes all. 1Pause
He shall never perish, and He shall never abandon me.
Wherever I look, there I see Him pervading and permeating. 2
He is Beautiful, All-knowing, the most Clever, the Giver of life.
God is my Brother, Son, Father and Mother. 3
He is the Support of the breath of life; He is my Wealth.
Abiding within my heart, He inspires me to enshrine love for Him. 4
The Lord of the World has cut away the noose of Maya.
He has made me His own, blessing me with His Glance of Grace. 5
Remembering, remembering Him in meditation, all diseases are healed.
Meditating on His Feet, all comforts are enjoyed. 6
The Perfect Primal Lord is Ever-fresh and Ever-young.
The Lord is with me, inwardly and outwardly, as my Protector. 7
Says Nanak, that devotee who realizes the state of the Lord, Har, Har, is blessed with the treasure of the Naam. 811

Then I began to read one Word in a different manner.

Intelligently and lovingly, I read the Sacred Book from end to end half a dozen times and I found two central, essential points, namely, God, and His realization through Nam. I should not say that it was an easy job, or perfectly smooth sailing. But all my labour, all my plodding was but a trifle as compared to the peace contentment, and bliss that I experienced. When I see people drudging and slaving for materialistic trifles, I congratulate myself on my rare, good fortune to have obtained a priceless boon for my efforts, which were by no means Herculean.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Bandgi Nama by Raghbir Singh Bir - Introduction

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
Bandgi Nama by Raghbir Singh Bir


The Bandgi Nama or Communion with the Divine Sardar Raghbir Singh Bir contains the spiritual and devotional thoughts of the author which were flashed to him in his midnight silent meditation. S. Raghbir Singh was not only a poet of a high order, but a thinker and a philosopher who had personally experienced various stages of spiritual discipline while leading a life of a successful house-holder-fulfilling all the obligations towards his parents, family and children imparting them the best education-academic and cultural.

Bandgi Nama originally written in Punjabi (Gurmukhi script) has been acclaimed as a veritable guide to self realization even for a new aspirant. It has been translated into English for the benefit of English-knowing seekers, who have no approach to Punjabi. Along with the translation are published copious references from Guru Granth Sahib in Roman in support of the author's own spiritual experiences to lend authenticity to them.

The author himself started as a layman on the spiritual path, and reached a stage through various sadhnaas of spiritual discipline, from where he could reflect the vision of the Divine, for the rise of man of God-maanas te devte kiie.

Guru Nanak laid down the three principles-
(i) prayer (ardas),
(ii) effort (sharani), and
(iii) sharing spiritual experience with others, aap japo avraa naam japaavo
In conformity with these fundamentals, whereas the author explains the technique of prayer and effort, he shares his achievements in the spiritual field with others and has given vent to the thoughts and ideals which were revealed unto him in his communion with The "Divine."
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

How to Love Waheguru

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
  • Constantly desire to know your beloved Waheguru more fully

Make this your burning passion. Probe too deeply into the personal life of any human and we have to brace ourselves for disappointment. We will inevitably find faults in the person. But we never have to fear discovering a flaw in Waheguru. He is the most wonderful person there is. His character is so beautiful that the more you know him the more you will fall in love with him.

  • Be convinced about Waheguru’s love for you

Above everything else, Waheguru is characterized by love. Even more exciting is the fact that he loves you so very much. The Love Akaal Purakh showers you with every second of every minute of every hour of every day is greater than anything else you have ever experienced. Were you to combine every form of genuine human love, it would only give the vaguest glimpse of the intensity of Waheguru’s love for you.

You may feel deeply hurt because people have let you down, but Waheguru will never disappoint you. Because genuine love is much deeper than mere feelings, you will not always be conscious of an inner feeling that ‘says’ that Waheguru loves you. Our physical senses, intuition and emotions are all highly unreliable when it comes to detecting spiritual reality. Feelings are changeable, but the love of that most beautiful Akaal Purakh is constant.

Your whole relationship with him hinges not on your emotions or your dependability but on the rock-solid honesty of Waheguru. He is the most reliable source of information there is. If he says something, it is true, regardless of temporary and superficial appearances. And even though we may not understand his sweet hukam, and we may question it, we must realise that He loves us so very much, would he ever do anything to hurt us or make us cry. Everything Waheguru gives you in your life is a blessing. Its just people who define what that blessing is. It is all down to individual perceptions.

  • Waheguru is good!

We can’t hope to enjoy the heights of intimacy with someone whose integrity we doubt. So if you have any uncertainties about the goodness and sweetness of Akaal Purakh you should look at these doubts of yours and carefully examine them. Everyone of us has doubts, and in the hour of misery we tend to question our beloved Waheguru.

Its not wrong to question him, it just highlights our lack of faith and love in him. Instead of trying to suppress these doubts, we should try to remove them by getting to know that most beautiful Akaal Purakh better. Waheguru’s knowledge and wisdom are so far beyond us that it would be impossible for us to try to find fault with his most beautiful actions.

To know Waheguru better, talk to him. Hes always there waiting to listen to you. He is always with us, by ourside....and the most amazing thing is that he will always be there. When we were little and crawling around on the floor, he was there, picking us up, teaching us how to walk. When we grew a little older, he was there, to wipe our tears everytime we got hurt. Infact even when we get very old he will be the one who holds out hand, so tightly, and reassures us that everything will be ok. He will always be there, even when we leave this world, he will come with us, and be with us.....whatever fate we await in the next life, this beloved, this sweetest guru sahib will come to protect us.

Maharaj is so merciful that he has told us what awaits us in the next life, however, not only has he told us this, he has also given us all the answers we need to pass this ulitmate test. But its interesting how few of us actually listen, because listening doesnt mean using your ears and hearing some words, or using your eyes and seeing something....true listening, is implementing the answers guru sahib blesses us with into our lifes. Guru Sahibs words are so powerful they pierce stones and make them melt, but have we sunk so low, that even our guru sahibs words cant melt our stonelike hearts??

Imagine the paaps we must have comitted to be in such a state that, we dont seem to believe our guru ji's most beautiful words. It all comes down to a lack of faith. I wonder what would be required to wake us up. Its true when they say, the hardships we have...when the weight of the world, is put on our back, we tend to kneel down, being slowly crushed, but that is when, we dont question maharaj, because when we are in our hour of misery after seeking all doors, and recieving no answer, then we look to the door of the king of kings.

Actually im talking rubbish, there is no such door, guru sahibs house is unlike anyone else's. Guru Sahibs house is not a place enclosed within four walls, having a roof over it, and a floor, and a door or window. Guru Sahibs house, is limitless, there is no need for doors or roofs or walls as anyone is welcome to come. Despite this, we would rather go to otherpeople's house and knock on their doors and beg for help.

  • Trust him

Know that you are in Waheguru's strong, capable hands. Guru Sahib longs to help you, but it’s up to you whether you let him. ‘Leave your worries with him’. Faith is knowing that Guru Ji is working out the perfect solution. It is believing that Waheguru not only can do a certain thing, but that he will do it for you. Trust (or faith) is one of the most crucial things in your ever-growing relationship with Akaal Purakh.

At the moment its the five evils which are holding us back from trusting our beloved Guru Sahib. We are in love with these five evils, and we tend to go to the houses of, 'greed', 'pride', 'lust', 'anger' and 'attachment'. We fall in love with these other houses and doors, but we dont understand, we do not heed the advise of our beloved father and mother, satguru sri guru nanak dev ji maharaj, who tells us that these other houses are poison and will slowly put a noose around our necks.

  • Don’t settle for a half-hearted love affair with Guru Ji

If for sake of Satguru Ji, you would be willing to lose all your possessions, suffer pain, and even die then you have fallen in love with waheguru. Alot of the times, people use the word, 'love', but dont really understand what 'love' is. What we hold dearest sets the ceiling on how far we can go in life. If we let go of lesser things – such as fear, choosing an easy life and slavery to material things – we can soar with Waheguru.

Im sorry ji, I will come and complete this post later.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Tuesday, January 24, 2006


Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
All our friends and relatives can be with us up to a limit. Many leave you right here in this world over worldly things like money, opportunity, status, and what not. Few remain faithful to you till your death. But no one can walk with us all the way. They all have to leave us at some point or the other.
Some times the people we love the most and count on the most, are the ones who hurt us the most and they are easily recognized once the Jeev (creature) is faced with problems or diversity. Therefore Guru Sahib has instructed us to have friendship and relation with somebody who never leaves you, even in the most difficult times and who else can that be but Waheguru himself. Only Waheguru can help Jeev in the time of difficulty or problem.
Sang Sakhhaa Sabh Taj Gaye, Koi Naa Nibiho Saatg. Kaho Nanak Eh Bipat Mein, Tek Ek Raghunaath.
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh


Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
Someone mentioned that Khands are merely spiritual states and not actual realms where Bhagats reside. According to Gurbani (Siri Jap jee Sahib) there are 5 khands above our place of dwelling i.e. this world including solar system and other stars we see.
Pauri 34 of Siri Jap jee Sahib explains Dharam Khand. This is the khand where our soul goes to after death. This is where Dharam Rai is stationed. Almost every religion explains this khand in some form or the other. This Khand is huge and this is where heavens and hells are. Dharam Rai has an army of millions and millions jammdoots who control the whole Dharam Khand. Siri Jap jee Sahib summarizes this Khand as follows:
There are countless seasons, waters, fires, fires and low-lands like Pataal. Amidst such wide variety of things is the land of Dharam Khand. There countless kind of creatures reside. These creatures are there suffering punishments or getting rewarded for their good deeds. Everybody is judged according to their deeds done on Karam Bhoomi (our Earth or likes of it). The darbar of Dharam Rai is based on truth. Panch Jan i.e. the accepted Gursikhs get recognition and respect there. Such Gursikhs are recognised by the nishaan (symbol, or mark) on their forehead that appears as we do bhagtee of True Naam. All this may seem like fiction here but once we get there, we will realize how true it is (Nanak, Gaiyaan jaapai jaaye).
No matter who one is, everyone has to come to Dharam Khand. Gursikhs go there as well as Manmukhs. The difference is that when the Gursikhs arrive there, no record of them is found there and because of the divine mark on their forehead, they are very well respected there. Manmukhs on the other hand get stiff punishments there and are sent to hell and thereafter back to earth to go through the 8.4 million forms, depending on their karma.
Gursikhs and other good people who are above heaven move on to the next khand i.e. Gyaan Khand. This is a very huge Khand and references to this Khand too are found in various religious books. This is where most of the prophets and saints of other religions fall.
The ones who worship Siri Krishna, Vishnu jee, Shiv jee, and Mohammadans etc. fall in this Khand. This is where Baikunth i.e. residing place of Siri Krishna and his devotees, Buddha, and other great religious leaders are. This place is very beautiful and there are countless Krishna, Shiv jees, Buddhas there. The bhagats like Dhru reside in this Khand. This Khand is very great Khand and only fortunate ones reach here. The only drawback is that the residents of this Khand are not eternal. When Vaheguru takes back his creation, this Khand gets destroyed.
This is the third Khand and hereon it is impossible to describe the Khands. Sharam Khand and the two Khands above this i.e. Karam Khand and Sach Khand are beyond description. One thing is for sure that the way we are today, we cannot comprehend anything there in Sharam Khand. For this reason when one reaches this Khand, one gets new senses, mind, intelligence and surti. The reason is that with old senses and mann, budh, we cannot comprehend anything there. Sharam Khand is essential for Bhagats before they can enter Karam Khand and Sach Khand. Sharam Khand is like prep Khand for entering Karam Khand and Sach Khand. This Khand is extremely beautiful. Everything there is just too beautiful to describe. Guru Sahib just says that no one should bother to describe anything there as it would be futile and such person who tries to say anything about this Khand have to regret.
Karam Khand and Sach Khand exist in such fashion as a house and varaandaah exist. Varaandah is like the outskirts of a house but within the boundery of the property. Normally the top of the varandaah is ceiling. From Karam Khand one can view the inside of the house and know what is going on inside but can’t go inside. There is immense Anand (Bliss) in this Khand. Only real warriors who have subdued all bikaars can enter this Khand. This Khand – Karam Khand is accessible mostly to Gursikhs of Guru Nanak Dev jee but some rare ones who do kamaayee of Kirtam Naam (qualitative names like Raam, Gobind etc.) and give their best shot to it, but are not Gursikhs of Guru Nanak can reach Karam Khand. Both Karam Khand and Sach Khand are eternal Khands.
Sachkhand is accessible only to Gursikhs. There Vaheguru resides in comprehensible form to Gursikhs. Gursikhs stay absorbed in the bliss of Darshan of Vaheguru. Sach Khand is huge and the whole creation including other 4 Khands are within Sach Khand. Sach Khand surrounds the whole creation and is inside the whole creation. In essence Sach Khand is Vaheguru himself. In Sach Khand, the bhagats don’t lose their identity. The Ten Gurus occupy the top position along with Vaheguru. It is futile to write anything about it. Guru Nanak Sahib has written that to describe Sach Khand is like chewing iron (Nanak, Kathna KaraRaa Saar).
Dasam Duaar is a shortcut to Sach Khand. It is like a door to Sach Khand. Sitting here, one can have all the Anand of Sach Khand and know what is going on there.
by: Bhai Kulbir Singh Jee
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Monday, January 23, 2006

Guru Nanak Dev Ji's Raaj is here for eternity

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

This Panth Khalsa has been created by Waheguru himself under his special orders. He not only created this panth but he also declared that this panth of his Gur-Jyoti – Guru Nanak Sahib will stay till eternity.

Here is the pankiti that says so:


The force in this pankiti is unbelievably strong. It is an immensely strong force. Just read the pankiti again.

Siri Guru Raaj, Abichal Attal; Aad Purakh Furmaaiyo

Feel the power this pankiti has. Feel the assurance you get after reading this pankiti. Aad Purakh has declared (Furmaaiya) that Guru Nanak Sahib's raaj is for eternity. Khalsa the child of Guru Nanak should be overjoyed at this. The meanings are so simple. There is no room for misinterpretation.

This has been taken from Bhataan de Saviyye. Akaal Purakh himself Furmaa that “Siri Guru Raaj – Abichal Attal” i.e. Siri Guru jee’s raaj, Siri Guru jee’s (Guru Nanak Sahib’s) kingdom is Abichal (not destroyable) and Attal (not movable).

Two things are clear from this pankiti:
1) That there is Raaj of Guru Nanak Sahib as per ordination of Aad Purakh – Waheguru.
2) That this Raaj is forever.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

The Warrior's Path

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

The Warrior's Path
Dedicated to Sant Gyani Baba Jarnail Singh Ji Khalsa Bhindranwale

The warrior's path to God must be trod
with a heart of compassion.

The one who would walk this path,
must be armed with
a sword free from anger,
a shield devoid of lust, and
a bow, arrow and quiver, free from greed.

He must trod the path
with a bowed head,
and a one-pointed mind.

His eyes must be bathed in tears,
from a soul that is overflowing
with its own unconditional Love.

For such a warrior, diligent and true,
the destination will be reached
with the next step.

He will be back.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Sant Ji's Mission

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

"My mission is to ensure that everyone - Hindu, Sikh,Muslim remain true to one's religion, that there isunity among all people, that the modesty of women is not violated, that the people are weaned away from theuse of narcotics, that all social evils are curbed and to see that the Sikhs mobilise themselves under one banner by strengthening their faith in Guru Granth Sahib. If all this, which is the mission of my life, is termed as extremism then I don't mind being known as an extremist"

Sri Maan Sant Gyani Baba Jarnail Singh Ji Khalsa Bhindranwale

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

An Amazing Sketch of Sri Maan Sant Gyani Baba Jarnail Singh Ji Khalsa Bhindranwale

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

An Interview with Sri Maan Sant Gyani Baba Jarnail Singh Ji Khalsa Bhindranwale

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

An Interview with Sri Maan Sant Gyani Baba Jarnail Singh Ji Khalsa Bhindranwale
Why have you moved your center for quick actions to Guru Nanak Nivas from Chowk Metha?

Sant Ji: What do you mean 'quick' actions?

I mean why have you moved your center to Guru Nanak Nivas?

Sant Ji: We have made the move to get our Singhs released from unlawful custody. We have only two options: Peaceful protest of Forceful counter. We have moved to give peace a chance. Otherwise the police have incited us enough times and a clash would be imminent at Chowk Metha.
How long will you stay here?

Sant Ji: As long as it takes to achieve our goals.

Do you think your safer here?

Sant Ji: Safetly is not an issue. This place is best under prelevant conditions.

Do you fear some harm out of Guru Nanak Nivas?

Sant Ji: A person who has fear in his mind is not a Sikh. How can fear come near a Sikh?
Do you think the government wants to harm you?

Sant Ji: Is there any doubt about it?

What will the government gain by doing such a thing?

Sant Ji: You ask them. Why do you pose this question to me? A thousand surrounded me at Chando-kalaan, 15,000 policemen came to Chowk Metha, 30,000 set up positions looking for me. What was all that for? I dont't think wanted to arrange me a wedding!
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

A religious fundamentalist in the sense he earnestly believed in the fundamentals of Sikhism

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

"...There was least doubt about the missionary zeal of Sant Bhindranwale who was carrying on his campaign, 'Nashe Chado. Amrit Chako, Singh Sajo' discard intoxicants, take baptism, and become practicing Sikhs - and was warning his people against the evil tendencies of trimming of beard, cutting hair, taking to drinking and drugs - deeper social and religious issues - that had been neglected by the Akalis long in power in the SGPC...""...Bhindranwale was a religious fundamentalist in the sense he earnestly believed in the fundamentals of Sikhism..."
Chand Joshi, Bhindranwale: Myth and Reality, (New Delhi, 1984)

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Jeevan Of Sant Gyani Baba Kartar Singh Ji Khalsa Bhindranwale

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
Sant Kartar Singh Jee Khalsa was born in 1932 AD, to Mata Labh Kaur & Jathedar Chanda Singh Jee, V. Purane Poore, Tehsil Kasoor, Dist. Lahore, it is now in Dist. Amritsar. Jathedar Chanda Singh was a great Gursikh of high morals and good discipline.

Sant Kartar Singh Jee was first educated at the Government Middle School Khemharan, 9th & 10th grade were studied at National High School – Bhikhivind, after which further studies were made at Khalsa College Amritsar. Along with worldly education, Sant Kartar Singh Jee was educated in Gurmat by Baba Baga Singh Jee who lived in their village. With the grace of Guru Jee, he quickly learnt his 5 morning prayers, Reharas, Kirtan Sohela off by heart. They were still a student when in 1948 AD, they took Amrit at Bhindra from Sant Gurbachan Singh Jee’s Jatha who were at Bhindra at the time. After taking Amrit they became very close with Sant Gurbachan Singh Jee.
Whilst studying at Khalsa College they used to remain engrossed in Simran and prayers. They used to recite a lot of Gurbani, over and above the compulsory Nitnem for Sikhs. His Anand Karaj was performed in 1950 at the age of 18 years. Two sons were born who are, Shaheed Bhai Amrik Singh Jee and Bhai ManJeet Singh Jee. With the permission of Khalsa Jee and to fulfil his father’s desire, Sant Kartar Singh Jee became a Patvari (village level revenue official who keeps records of land holdings, crop surveys and calculates land revenue) for a while, but in 1957 AD he resigned from his job and started living in the Jatha on a permanent basis. For some time they did the seva of being a Garveye (similar to personal assistant) to Khalsa Jee. Daily they would recite the 5 morning prayers, Jaitsri Di Var, Satte Balvade di Vaar, 25 Ang of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee and in the evening they would recite the Panj Granthi, both Bareh Maha and many Japjee Sahib’s in Khalsa Jee’s presence. They were dedicated in their seva and would willingly do any seva.
He used to remain engrossed in Simran and Gursikhi Parchar, thinking about the Sikh nation at all times (Chardhi Kala of the Sikh Nation). They would always be thinking about why Sikhs were straying away from Sikhi thinking - Have Sikhs forgot the Gurus actions that were for the benefit of us? He would discuss with learned Gursikhs – what strategy should be undertaken to ensure that the message of Sikhi can reach each and every household. They would perform their duties till 12am/1am, and would wake up at 4am – this was their daily timetable. He used to say, “God has blessed us with beautiful bodies, he gives us good food and the greatest of all he has blessed us with birth into a Sikh household, then if we get tired or lazy we do not have the right to live – as we should be dedicating each breath to Sikhi Parchar.”
They used to get happy and energised, when more Katha was performed in the day, whilst touring doing Parchar. They had that much love for Sikhi that they wanted all to take Amrit and become Sikhs, he used to say what a great sight it would be if in all directions we would have the sight of Singhs. To get bookings of Sant Kartar Singh Jee was very hard as their was much demand for them. Sant Jee never refused anyone, at Gurdwara Nabha Sahib they became very ill and the Singhs had to assist them up the stairs, after which sangat from Chandigarh came at 10pm and said that there is a Divan taking place and the whole sangat is waiting for your presence – even if you attend and speak for only 10 minutes – the Singhs tried to convince Sant Jee not to go due to ill health but they still went to Chandigarh sector 19D and did Katha for 10 minutes with much fervour. When many people used to ask for their presence they used to say, “Singhs we have no guarantees from our humanly bodies, so we should do Sikhi Parchar to our hearts content – as much as is physically possible.”
He used to say that for Sikhi to flourish, a Parcharaks lifestyle should be exemplary and disciplined. With regard to this they emphasised that each person who publicly speaks at the Gurdwara from the stage must be Amritdhari. He advised the committee of Sri Patna Sahib with regards to this and they issued an edict/Hukamnama stating this, with which 36 Dhadi Jathas and many Parcharaks became Amritdahri. Delighted with this Sant Kartar Singh Jee gave saropas to these Parcharaks on 7th October 1976 AD at Bir Baba Budha Sahib Jee. 250,000 peope had congregated, Sant Jee narrated the history of Sri Guru Tegh Bahadar Jee and other Shaheeds and 5,000 men out of the Sangat stood up and promised never to drink alcohol again or cut their hair. Whenever anyone used to ask for their presence at their home, if they were Patit (not within Sikh Code of Conduct), cut their hair, drank alocohol/take intoxicants – until the home owners would promise that they would give up drinking alcohol/taking intoxicants or stop cutting their hair – they would not go to their home or eat anything from them. In this way they put many onto the path of Sikhi.
Siri Guru Tegh Bahadurs Jee’s 300th Shaheedhi day was celebrated by Sant Jee by getting organisations, Jathebandhis, Colleges participate in Sikhi preaching. In relation to this during the emergency period of the government 37 great processions were carried out in various locations – the achievements of which are beyond description. The whole Sikh world was awakened by these great events. Sant Jee would stand for 15 hours at a time doing Parchar. A 100km long procession would go pass 60-70 villages and Sant Jee would do parchar for 10-15 minutes at each village. Each village’s Sangat was made to sing the following slogan:-

May my head be sacrificed, but not my Sikhi ads. Sant Jee replied that the 2 ministers should be informed that the procession is being performed in memory and honour of the protector of the Hindus – Hind dee Chadar. The ministers should remove their shoes and stand with both hands folded and clear the road for the procession to pass. Sant Jee was asked to lay the foundation of Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur charitable hospital in Ludhiana, when Sant Jee arrived their about 15-20 men got up in the Divan to welcome Snat Jee. Sant Jee walked out and left. The organisers went and asked the reason for this exit and Sant Jee replied that “in the presence of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee no-one should stand to welcome or respect another, as this degrades the respect of the Guru.” All the organisers asked for forgiveness, Sant Jee sent them all back into the Divan and Sant Jee went in by himself after all of them. Sant Jee explained to them that it doesn’t matter how famous the leader or great a Gursikh is – no-one is greater than the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee.
In Delhi on 7 December 1975 AD – to commemorate the 300th anniversary of the Shaheedi of Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur Jee, in the Ram Lila ground, a procession of 2.2 million people arrived and P.M. Indira Gandhi came onto the stage and in the presence of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee all those on the stage arose to welcome and respect her, but it was only Sant Kartar Singh Jee who remained seated. On the stage Sant Jee spoke passionately about this anti-Sikh act. Many leaders who spoke on the stage said that P.M. Indira Gandhi had built an excellent relationship with Punjab, after which she said, the Delhi government got Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur martyred and today the Delhi government prostrates to Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur Jee. The same Delhi government who were given reports against the Sikhs today respects and reveres Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur Jee.

Sant Jee’s time to speak was after P.M. Indira Gandhi, they began with,

“First Rajput Kings used to give their daughters to get rewards. Today Sikhs are disgracing themselves if they do the same. For this reason no Sikh is to marry their daughter to a Mona or a patit and the rehatnama says:
kMinAw dyvY isK ko lyvY nih ikCu dwm [ soeI myrw isK hY phucy gur ky Dwm [
Guru Gobind Singh Jee is saying that the Sikh that marry’s his daughter to a Sikh and does not take any money/dowry, he is a true Sikh of mine and will reach my abode in Sachkand.
(Bhai Sahib Singh Rehatnama, p.160)
The second point that they clarified was that “We want to ask Indira Gandhi who achieved the rule of the Delhi government? If you have come here to prostrate to Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur you have done no great act. If Guru Jee had not become martyred the master of this throne would have been a Muslim and everywhere all would be greeted with Salema Lekham. You yourself would have been under a Burka.

The number of hairs that are on the body of the P.M., even if she was to cut her head off that many times and placed at the feet of Guru Jee, she still would not be able to remove the debt owed to Sri Guru Tegh Bahaur Jee. Regardless of how powerful the P.M. – no-one is more powerful than our Guru. She should prostrate to our loved one, the light of the 10 Kings - Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee, not that we get up and pay respect to her.” Upon this Jakaras were heard from all areas of the arena.

Due to the truth being spoken by Snat Kartar Singh Jee, this led to disputes being raised by P.M. Indira Gandhi with the Damdami Taksal. If anyone disrespected Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee they Sant Jee never tolerated it, regardless of who they were. Thus they spoke up against the Nakali Nirankaris and did programmes to tackle their onslaught on Sikhi.

Sant Kartar Singh Jee was the Jathedar of Damdami Taksal for 8 years and did much Gurmat Parchar in this time. On 3 August 1977 AD they were travelling from V. Maleeha (n) (Jalandhar) to Solan and at the station Hussaainpur (near Ludhiana), their car crashed into a tree – where they were critically injured. They were taken to C.M.C. Hospital. They ascended to Sachkhand here on 16 August 1977. The Gurdwara Gurdarshan Parkash, which they built in memory of Sant Gurbachan Singh Jee Khalsa at Mehta was where they were cremated on 21 August 1977.
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Friday, January 20, 2006

The Character of Sant Gyani Baba Jarnail Singh Ji Khalsa Bhindranwale

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Those people who have spent any time in the presence of Sant Ji, vouch for his true character.

For example, Joyce Pettigrew of South Asia Research writes about Sant Gyani Baba Jarnail Singh Ji Khalsa Bhindranwale:

"I met Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale and Amrik Singh (president All India Sikh Students Federation A.I.S.S.F I (now known as S F) in mid-December 1983. They were not the fanatical figures full of hatred that the press portrayed Bhindrawale was quiet, with a sense of humour. He listened intently to the question, answering directly if he could. On one occasion when he could not he said openly that he had studied only to the fifth grade. He was unpretentious, apologising twice if anything he said offended me. Amrik Singh was very kind and possibly the more saintly of the two, but with less charismatic appeal ".

Joyce Pettigrew, The Sikhs of the Punjab: Unheard Voices of State and Guerrilla Violence
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Amazing picture of Sant Gyani Baba Jarnail Singh Ji Khalsa Bhindranwale

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

I have no words to describe this picture. How beautiful are the beloved Sahibzades of Satguru Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj

Dhan Dhan Sri Maan Sant Gyani Baba Jarnail Singh Ji Khalsa Bhindranwale

The following are just some quotations from Sant Gyani Baba Jarnail Singh Khalsa Bhindranwale's speeches:

" We wish every religion to grow and flourish but we will not tolerate attacks on Sikhi designed to terminate it "

"We have no enmity with Hindus or with a person of any other faith"

" We are infavour of unity if it does not result in Sikhs being treated as second-class Citizens "

"We are true Sikhs and Sikhs do not believe in killing"

"Even if it results in my body being cut to small pieces I shall still fight against injustice "

"Please come under the fold of Satguru (the one and only True God), take Amrit read the Bani (Scriptures) and talk among yourselves of the Panth and of the Kesari Nishan Sahib (the Sikh flag) and of your true leader the Guru Granth Sahib Ji .....and when the time comes for confrontation don't kill the poor, don't molest the women and don't trouble the old But don 't spare anyone who insults Guru Ji!"

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Sant Gyani Baba Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale's Message to Monas (cut hair)

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Sant Gyani Baba Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale's Message to Monas (cut hair)
From Sant jee's lecture in Singh Garj compiled by Bhai Narain
So, I have a request for all of you who have cut their kesh and beards and have the name "Singh". I put my hands together and ask, 'Please, become my brothers'. And only become my brothers if you think I'm good. If you think I'm a low-life then don't at all become my brothers. If you call me good, then you'll have to keep your kesh and beards, give up liquor and if you call me a low-life, I'll be quiet and sit down and leave you alone.
Ok, those of you who have cut your kesh and beards, am I good or am I a low-life??
No, it won't do to remain quiet like that. Say it out loud.
No, No, just those who have cut beards.
If I'm good, then why don't you listen to me? If you keep your kesh and then I tell you to call me a Sant, or bow to me, then you can get rid of all the hair and you can cut your hair too if I tell you to oppose the Panth.
It was an old Sikh cry, "Sir Jaavay taa(n) jaavey mayraa Sikhee sidak naa javai" meaning, "If my head goes, then so be it, may my Sikhi faith never leave me."
But now there are two cries: Dharam jaavay taa(n) jaavay, saaDee kursee kitay naa jaavay meaning "Our Faith can go if it must, but our political seat should go nowhere. "
Or those youth who cut their hair and beards also have a cry:
Dharam jaavay taa(n) jaavay, daaRee saaDay moo(n)h tay naa aavay. Meaning, "Our faith can go if it must, but please let no beard come on our faces".
Tell me, if a son does not look like his father, what do you call him? Those of you sitting here with cut beards, do we believe in Dasam Paatshaah? Tell me, do we?
Sangat: Yes, we believe in him.
Well if we believe in him, then are we joining with him? Our Dasam Paatshaah had a kacherra, kirpan in a gatra, a beautiful dastaar, a beautiful Sree Saahib and Sarbloh kaRaa. We have a string type of thing around our necks, what do they call it? RakhRee? I dont' know what it is. We have a baandar kachee (monkey panties i.e. briefs) and we have no dastaar on our head or beard on our face. How will we call ourselves Guru's Sikhs? How will people call us the sons of our father??
If you want to be sons of your father and my brothers, those of you with cut hair have to keep it after today. And those of you who don't want to be their father's sons, then it's up to you if you want to stay a man or become like women. If you want to be men, then keep it uncut, and if you don't' want to be men, go to Darbaar Saahib and do ardaas, "Sachay Paatshah! Kill us and make us women. And make the women men." Trade off like this. Then, you'll have no beard on your face, nor will the barber have to sharpen his knife on a worn out leather shoe and rub it on your faces. And then neither would I have to have the headache of saying all this and neither would you feel angry after hearing it.
Oi! Now tell me, are you going to become your father's sons or not?? Why aren't you answering?? Those of you with cut beards, why are you sitting there with your heads down? And it's not going to work out if you don't speak.
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Sacrifice for the faith: A story from Sikh History

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh


One day from this stage, Sant Baba Harchand Singh Ji Longowal said: "I don't know what has happened to Jarnail Singh. He no longer leads people in shouting the slogan, "Dityaan baajh nahin rehnaa, Dharam sir dityaan baajh nahin rehnaa" (Without sacrifice it will not survive; the Faith will not survive without sacrifice of our lives). Perhaps his cough has flared up." I had been ill for several days. Sant Ji (Sant Harchand Singh Longowal) knew about this. He thought my cough had worsened. Actually, I did not have much cough but had caught cold. But the Singhs have said this (that I should lead the shouting of this slogan). My body (physical condition) does not permit (me to do it); please accept whatever way I am able to say it. You can shout the slogan aloud yourselves.

When the caps, the knots of people's hair, and the Janeoo (the sacred threads) of the Hindu society were being piled up at the end of Nauranga's (Emperor Aurangzeb's) cot, they (the Hindus) went to Mathura, Kidaarnath, Badrinarayan, Vaishnodevi, Samasyadevi and Shiv Ling (various Hindu holy places) and offered prayers. No one heard their cries. At that time, it is said, a divine letter arrived.

According to history, this letter was from Shiv Ji. Kashmiri pundits came with that letter to our Beloved Guru, Protector of the Faith (Siri Guru Tegh Bahaadar Sahib) at Anandpur Sahib. Upon arrival there, they appealed to him. They bowed their heads. They were sighing, had dry lips, tattered clothes, worn out shoes and were without proper covering for their heads. (Without cover, and shorn of their hair) their heads looked like water-melons.

They came to the Guru Sahib and said: "Beloved (Guru), have mercy upon us. In earlier forms (Sikh Gurus preceding Siri Guru Tegh Bahaadar Sahib) you have spoken the words: "He embraces whoever seeks His protection. This is the Master's Way." We are oppressed; in your mercy protect our honor, hold our hand."

Some wise man said about Guru Tegh Bahaadar Sahib: "The only support is at the Feet of God; we should attach our minds to God's Feet (the Divine Word). The mind is prone to evil, through Guru's instruction we should turn our minds from evil. If we hold someone by the arm, we must not let go even if we have to give our head (must not betray anyone we have promised to support)."

Guru Tegh Bahaadar spoke: "Dhar payeeay dharam na chhodiay (we must not give up our Faith even if it means death)."

Thus, our Beloved Guru held their hand. The Kashmiri pundits were overjoyed as a hungry man is when he is given bread; as a thirsty man is when given water; as one rescued from the jaws of death, from the jaws of a tiger, from a fire. Taking them along, He started on His way to Delhi. Our Beloved Guru has got ready and started off for Delhi. Preaching God's message to all on his way, meeting Ajari and fulfilling his prayers, our Beloved Guru reached Delhi. There was questions and answers with Nauranga. Here schemes were concocted for the martyrdom of Satguru Ji, the Supporter of the humble.

Bhai Mati Das (a companion of Siri Guru Tegh Bahaadar Sahib) was asked: "Smoke tobacco, take a sip of liquor, and chew tobacco, say once, "I am not the Guru's Sikh"; I shall give you my daughter in marriage." Bhai Mati Das contemptuously (literally: with the tip of his shoe) spurned the offer of Nauranga's daughter in marriage. The reply he gave at that time. Bhai Mati Das went to the Satguru. Maharaj (Siri Guru Tegh Bahaadar Sahib) asked him: "My brave man, how are you doing?" He replied: "God is merciful, all is well. I am facing a tough test. I do not want to score 99 percent. I want 100 percent. Have mercy on me. May I pass this test of being a Sikh. Of the Guru's family, the very first martyr was the Fifth King (Siri Guru Arjan Dev Sahib). Of Sikhs, the first martyrdom for the Faith is going to be mine. Have mercy so I may succeed, the coming generations may then receive guidance from it and be prepared for sacrifices." My throat does not permit me to recite aloud the sermon Satguru Tegh Bahaadar Sahib Ji, sitting in a cage, in Chandni Chowk, gave to Bhai Mati Das for the protection of the Faith. However, I shall do the best I can, you can repeat it more vigorously.

What is it that Satguru Tegh Bahaadar Sahib, sitting in a cage in Chandni Chowk, is telling Bhai Mati Das regarding His dear Faith? (It is): "Dityaan baajh nahin rehnaa, Dharam sir dityaan baajh nahin rehnaa" (Without sacrifice it will not survive; the Faith will not survive; the Faith will not survive without sacrifice of our lives)

Repeat after me: (The Congregation repeats the verse).

It (Faith) won't be kept with that much. How many of you are here? Why are you speaking in bird-like chirps. If a slogan has to be shouted for a leader or for a holy man, you make the place resound. It is a matter of Faith. I hope you have not fallen asleep. Is it too warm here? Speak aloud. Here NISA (the notorious law under which the Government carried out arbitrary arrests and killing of any active opposition) won't apply, this is Guru's Darbar. It (NISA) applies there, in Gandhi's Darbar In Guru Hargobind Sahib's Darbar the NISA of fifty two; yes, fifty two; is destroyed (the reference is to the fifty two Hindu princes for whom Siri Guru Hargobind Sahib is said to have secured release from jail simultaneously with His own release): Dityaan baajh nahin rehnaa, Dharam sir dityaan baajh nahin rehnaa (Without sacrifice it will not survive; the Faith will not survive without sacrifice of our lives). (The Congregation repeats the verse)

Sri Maan Sant Gyani Baba Jarnail Singh Ji Khalsa - Speech May 1983

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Sant Baba Jarnail Singh Ji Khalsa on the Jeevan of Sant Baba Gurbachan Singh Ji Khalsa

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Click on the link above to download Katha by Sri Maan Sant Baba Jarnail Singh Ji Khalsa on the jeevan of Sri Maan Sant Baba Gurbachan Singh Ji Khalsa.

When you click on the link a new page should appear, scroll down and click on the 'free' button. Then wait for your download ticket, enter the three word/number displayed into the textbox and then click on the button download.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Last Moments of Sant Baba Thakur Singh Ji Khalsa Bhindranwale - interview

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
Click on the link above to download an Interview with Bhai Baljit Singh Ji - one of the sewadars who was with Baba Ji at the time they went back to sachkhand.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Thursday, January 19, 2006


Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

A shastar weilding extremist?

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

"With reference to weapons I shall only say that you should bear arms. Being armed, there is no greater sin for a Sikh that attacking an unarmed person, killing an innocent person, looting a shop, harming the innocent, or wishing to insult anyone's daughter or sister. Also, being armed, there is no greater sin that not seeking justice."

Sant Baba Jarnail Singh Ji Khalsa Bhindranwale - Speaking about the relevance of Shastars, October 1983

"The Government has started calling extremists such Sikhs who are Amritdhaaree and administer Amrit to other; who read Baanee themselves and teach others to read it; who favour unity, preach unity and exhort people to be united; such people are called extremists. For this reason they call me, your humble servant, too an extremist. This is because it is my business to explain Gurbaanee, teach Gurbaanee, to administer Amrit this is why I am called an extremist....Protecting the honour ofour sisters, promoting respect for the Nishaan Saahib, being ready to preserve respect for our Isht, seeking justice for the blood of innocent people that has been shed and to prevent it being shed in the futurem this is the kind of extremist that I am."

Sant Baba Jarnail Singh Ji Khalsa Bhindranwale - Speaking about being given the title of an Extremist, January 1983

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Bhai Jeeta Singh and Raag

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Bhai Jeeta Singh and Raag

Bhai Jeeta Singh used to be a Raagi that would accompany Sant Baba Gurbachan Singh Ji. One time in Lahore, there was a Muslim Smagam for Raags. He, being a Raagi himself, was really curious what the muslim Raag smagam would be like. After, listening to some of the program he went up to the organizers and asked for their permission to get some time to do keertan because he knew shabads in Raag.

The muslims started laughing at him saying “you Sikhs haven’t been blessed with Raag, go get out of here and go do what you typically do…and…listen, we, muslims, are only blessed with Raag.”

Bhai Jeeta Singh got so hurt, he went all depressed to Sant Baba Gurbachan Singh and said, “Ji, today I got really embarassed.”

Sant Baba Gurbachan Singh said to him, “I want you for 40 days to stay in this room, food and clothes will be provided inside, for 40 days don’t leave this room and do 125,000 paats of Raag-Mala. Only after completing, this are you to come out”

Bhai Jeeta Singh did so as Baba Ji said, and then when the time came for another smagam, he went again. And again He asked them for time, surprisingly the parbandak decided to give him 2 minutes of their smagam time. He got on stage and after touching some keys in Basant Raag, the Harmonium started to play by itself and continued playing for the rest of the shabad!

He was given only 2 minutes, however the Raag took 4 hours to complete (b/c of the raas of the keertan no one wanted him to stop him and listened in complete amazement and silence).

The Muslims started saluting Bhai Jeeta Singh out loud at the smagam, and some came to him and said, that “God has blessed you people with Raag”.

Sant Baba Gurbachan Singh Singh said “You were victorious today on behalf the Sikh Panth, ask for anything you want.” He said, “I do have one thing I really want, when my end comes, I want it to come while I am doing keertan.”

Baba Ji said “then that’s how it will be” The day Bhai Jeeta Singh left his body, he was sitting doing keertan in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji’s Hazoori. He was doing it so much love, he would lift his arm up affectionately, and while looking towards GuruJi he would recite “jio bhaavai thio raakh lai” and at that moment Bhai Jeeta Singh left his body.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

How a Singh Welcomes Shaheedee - Second Jathedhar of the Damdami Taksal

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

How A Singh Welcomes Shaheedee - Second Jathedhar of the Damdami Taksal
Taken From Pracheen Panth Parkaash by Rattan Singh Bhangoo
Translated by Admin


Baba Gurbaksh Singh jee was a very well known and respected Singh, who had the honour of being martyred while defending Sree Darbaar Sahib.

Baba jee was of village Leel near Sree Amritsar. His Father was Bhai Dasaundha Singh jee and mother Mata Lachmee Kaur jee. Baba jee's parents served Satguru Gobind Singh jee and Baba jee received amrit at the age of 11, due to the inspiration of Bhai Manee Singh jee. He spent time with Baba Deep Singh jee and Bhai Manee Singh jee and became a very good scholar and warrior.

About Baba Jee

Baba Gurbaksh Singh was always dressed in blue baaNaa and kept a very strong rehit. He would awake at amrit vela and do ishnaan. Then, while reciting baaNee, Baba jee would tie his dumalla. Baba jee loved Sarbloh. He would offer his respect to his sarbloh shastars i.e. kirpans, chakars, toRaas (metal cable tied around dastaar), kaRas, etc and then put them on. He would finally put on a mala of sarbloh around his neck and also many sarbloh kaRas and simarnaas. Baba jee's dastaar had many sarbloh toRaas tied into it. He would also wear a sarbloh armour.

Other features Panth Parkash mentions about the way Baba jee looked was that he wore a very long 1.5 yard kacherra and always kept a long stick with him.

Every amrit vela then, after dressing himself in his baaNaa, Baba jee sat in the divaan at Sree Akaal Takhat Sahib. It did not matter who came to meet him, whether a powerful Sardar or a lowly peasant, he greeted all people in the same way and with the same respect. He had absolutely no worldly aspirations or greed.

Whenever there was a battle, Baba jee would always go and confront the enemy. He would take the Nishaan Sahib himself and advance. With the beat of the nagara, Baba jee used to be in the forefront to confront the enemy.

Abdali's Oppression and the Khalsa Scatters

The Khalsa had scattered when Ahmed Shah Abdali brought his army through the Punjab. Some Singhs went to the mountains where they were looted by the mountain-people; others went and hid around the rivers where they were not only looted but also attacked by lions and other animals. Those Singhs who decided to stay in Majha and not retreat were turned over to the Afghans by traitors and informers. In Malwa, the Singhs also fared no better and had to go from house to house like beggars.

At Sree Amritsar, the Sarbat Khalsa gathered one day and after the night divaan, decided to abandon Sree Amritsar and leave together as a group for Malwa.

Baba Jee Offers His Shaheedee

After the decision had been made, Baba Gurbaksh Singh rose and addressed the Singhs. Baba jee said, "Is there any Singh in the Panth today, who would fight with the Afghans and sacrifice his head and then go to Dargah and with his sacrifice have Karta-Purakh listen to his request and ensure the Chardi Kala of the Panth? One who could do ardaas to Karta-Purakh and bring an end to these dark days? Is there any Singh who is so determined and is such a devotee of naam and one who is so strong in rehit? Is there anyone who will give his life for the rest of the Khalsa and with his sacrifice be able to wipe out the enemy?" [It is said that when the enemy kills a bhagat of Vahiguru, the bad karma of committing such an act results in the enemy also being wiped out. Baba jee was asking if there was such a bhagat in the Panth who could give such a sacrifice and destroy the Afghans].

The Singhs listened to Baba Gurbaksh Singh and replied, "Baba jee, is there any Singh better for this than you? There is no one with more kamaiee. No one else has the power to abandon their body and go to Dargah like you do. No one else's request will be more acceptable to Vahiguru than yours."

Baba jee listened to these words and then bowed his head and agreed to the request.

Baba jee Prepares His Wedding Party

Baba jee then called out, "I want to be Shaheed! If there is any other Gurmukh who wishes to come with me to Dargah, then let them also come. When there is a marriage, the groom goes with his Sarbaalha (best man) and with a large baraat (marriage party). I am going to marry the bride of Death. Are there Singhs who would be my Sarbaalhas?"

Hearing Baba jee's call, many Singhs rose and stood with Baba jee. They said, "We were waiting for your call. With your permission we will be your Sarbaalhas."

Seeing these Singhs stand, many more Singhs also rose and said "then we all will come with you in the baraat!"

Baba jee then adressed all the Singhs and said, "Khalsa jee! You have all agreed to join my wedding party. We will give our heads in this Dharam Yudh and in this way we will be married. We will get Shaheedee and Guru Sahib will give us all Kingships. No, even bigger rewards than kingships. That Singh who gives his head in battle will be the King of Kings. "

The Singhs Prepare for The "Wedding"

By this time, Ahmed Shah Abdali had arrived in Lahore. He was preparing to go to Delhi when he heard about the gathering of the Khalsa at Sree Amritsar. He decided that on the way to Delhi, he would stop at Sree Amritsar and slaughter all the Sikhs.

Hearing of the advance of Abdali, some of the cowards who had remained at Sree Amritsar with Baba jee ran away. Baba jee also encouraged them to leave and said "Go! Leave now, otherwise we won't let you leave later!"

Only about 30 Singhs now remained. The remaining Singhs were all chardee kala naam abhyaasee Gursikhs. They prepared for their death like a groom prepares for his wedding. They all had new cholas sewn. Some decided to sew blue, and others wore white and others kesree. They gathered in front of Sree Akaal Takhat Sahib and eagerly awaited the enemy. They would stand on their toes to see if the enemy was yet visible on the horizon. They were discussing how they would give their Shaheedees and then in Dargah would stop the Afghan attacks forever.

The following day, the Singhs all rose at amrit vela. They began to prepare like it was their wedding day. They sprinkled themselves with attar and rose scents, and rubbed sandal past on their bodies. As they did this, they sang "GhoReeaa(n)" shabads from Sree Guru Granth Sahib. They then bathed in Sree Amritsar Sahib and then gathered at Sree Akaal Takhat.

Baba jee was looking very impressive in his new dress. He was wearing a blue chola over his new kacherra and was wearing a very tight dumalla, which was tied especially for battle. The dumalla had many chakars and kirpaans tied into it. The Singhs then gathered and offered obeisance to Sree Guru Granth Sahib. After reading 5 pauRees of Anand Sahib and doing ardaas, the Singhs distributed Degh and then as a group left for darshan of Sree Darbaar Sahib.

The group of Singhs was led by a Nishaan Sahib and nagaaras were beating. Baba jee asked the Singhs to sing shabads of happiness as this was their wedding day and the wedding party was now moving. Baba jee and the other Singhs also gave away all the money they had to the needy. They arrived at Sree Darbaar Sahib and did parkarma. Once inside, they showered Sree Guru Granth Sahib with flowers and then did Ardaas. Baba jee standing before Satguru Granth Sahib spoke the following words, "True Emperor, protector of the poor! Your Khalsa is going now to marry the bride of Death. We are going to battle the Dushts. Satguru jee! May our Sikhee and our kesh stay intact through our final breaths."

The Afghans in the meantime had began to move towards Sree Amritsar. They had prepared for a massive battle and brought a large army. They were wearing armour and metal helmets. They had decided to do battle in such a way that the Singhs would be killed but they themselves would incur minimal casualties. They had brought long weapons which could kill from a distance such as large guns.

Baba jee, after offering ardaas at Sree Darbaar Sahib, returned with the Singhs to Sree Akaal Takhat Sahib to listen to keertan and await the enemy. The keertanees began to recite keertan and the Singhs would ask that certain shabads they wanted to hear be sung. The GhoReeaa(n) shabads were again recited. In this way, the entire night passed in listening to keertan. At day break, the enemy had arrived.

The Afghans Arrive & The Battle Begins

The Singhs upon seeing the Afghan army came down from Sree Akaal Takhat Sahib. They bowed to their shastars (kirpaans, kataars and talwaars) and then grabbed them. Some Singhs grabbed very big sticks and others mounted horses. The Singhs vied to go ahead of each other and kept moving forward. They Singhs argued about who had the right to attain Shaheedee first. The Nishaan Sahibs were furling and the beat of nagaaraas was echoing. The Singhs were like grooms anxious to marry a beautiful wife and seeing the time come closer, becoming more and more excited.

Some Singhs then ran forward and began the battle. The Singhs would sprint forward and began to embrace Shaheedee and complete their weddings with death. The Singhs were surrounded on all four sides and the Afghans began to close in. Baba jee called out to all the Singhs, "Singhs! Step forward and embrace martyrdom! If we step forward, our honour remains intact, if we step back, they will say we are retreating! Do not look for assistance anymore, just go forward! Now go forward and give your heads!"

Hearing Baba jee's cry, the Singhs all charged forward. They fell upon the Afghans like a lion on deer. The Singhs were all eager to become Shaheed as quickly as possible. They had no hope for life.

Baba jee again called out, "Khalsa jee! Become Shaheed and cross this world-ocean! Let us go to the court of Satguru jee and ask that the Afghans never attack here again and that the Khalsa should rule! What is the delay now? Fall upon the enemy!"

The Afghans Fall Back & Reinforcements

Wherever the Singhs stood their ground against the Afghans, they eventually fell. Afghan reinforcements also arrived. Not one Singh stepped back. Some Afghans even began to run away. Seeing this, Baba jee bellowed, "Don't let them go Khalsa jee! Stand and fight this Dharam Yudh!"

The Afghans did not understand what Baba jee was saying and were surprised to the see the Singhs run after them. They then trained their guns upon the Singhs. Many Singhs standing with Baba jee fell to the rain of bullets. Baba jee then took out his heavy Tegha and ran towards the enemy. He swung his Tegha with such force that it cut through the armour of the Afghans. Baba jee would aim for the face and neck where there was less armour. The Afghans all then began to cover their faces with their shields.

The Singhs seeing the cowardice of the Afghans threw aside their own shields and challenged, "look! We've thrown aside our shields, do you have the bravery to do the same? We'll take your blows without any shield, will you take ours?"

The Singhs continued to run forward and did not show any fear of death. They did not so much as look backwards. The Afghans continued to fall back and began to wonder why such a small group was not finishing and whether these few Singhs would cause their defeat. They could not bear the brunt of the Singhs' sword blows. They fell back and began to fire bullets and arrows.

Baba Jee's Shaheedee

Baba jee's body was pierced by many bullets and arrows and his wounds could not be counted. Some cut through his skin and others broke bones. But neither did the Singhs accept defeat nor would they acknowledge any pain. Baba jee's body was pouring blood like a spring. But Baba jee kept moving forward. He was soaked in blood like he had just been playing Holi with colours. Eventually because of loss of blood, Baba jee became very weak. He could not walk anymore and became very tired. But with every ounce of strength in his being, he put on foot ahead of the other. He was careful that no one would say he retreated.

Baba jee called to the remaining Singhs, "Singhs! Do not shame the BaaNaa we wear! May our Shaheedees be perfect and may we fall in the battlefield!"

By this time, even more Afghan reinforcements arrived. The new Afghans surrounded the wounded Baba jee and pierced him with their long spears. Baba jee with great effort used his khanda to cut off the spears and the Afghans again fell back. Baba jee would not look back but the enemy had surrounded him and knocked him to the ground from behind with a blow from a spear. Baba jee fell to his knees. Baba jee thought in his mind, "I cannot let go of my khanda. If I let it go, the enemy may consider me helpless and not attack. I will not be able to become Shaheed and my wish will not be fulfilled. If I do not take care of this moment, who knows if I ever get the opportunity for Shaheedee again?"

Baba jee then again raised his khanda and called to the Afghans, "Come! Try to take my head!" He then put his head forward as a challenge. Again the enemy surround him and fighting on his knees, Baba jee was beheaded by the enemy and in this way attained Shaheedee. Baba jee's vow was completed.

The Aftermath

Night fell and the Afghans were in shock after seeing such a bloody battle. They set up camp near the Bhangi fort and fell into a deep sleep. The few Singhs that had remained hidden in the area though rose at night and attacked the camp. The Singhs stole horses and began to slaughter the exhausted Afghans. The remaining Afghans could not sleep in peace and at day break, they quickly fled from the area.

The same night, a few other Singhs came to the scene of the battle to see what had happened. They saw the headless bodies of the Singhs and many many Afghans. The Singhs decided to make one big pyre and cremate all the bodies together. Behind Sree Akaal Takhat Sahib, a lot of wood was gathered and all the bodies were cremated together. Degh was distributed and the Singhs celebrated as though a great wedding had taken place. The Shaheed Ganj of Baba Gurbaksh Singh still stands at that place.

Baba jee's Shaheedee was glorious and indeed, the Afghan power did begin to fall after this point. Within a few years, the Sikhs began to rule Punjab and the Sikh Kingdoms were established. In today's dark period, where again the Sikhs are powerless and attacked from all sides, do we still have Shaheeds who can give their sacrifice and return power to the Khalsa?

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Sant Baba Gurbachan Singh Ji and The Naamdhari's

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Sant Baba Gurbachan Singh Ji and The Naamdhari's

One time, 108 Bhram Giani Mahpursh Sant Baba Gurbachan Singh Ji Khalsa and the entire Jatha where staying at Sachkhand Sri Hajoor Sahib. At the same time a large Naamdhari Jatha had reserved rooms at Gurdhwara Sahib not knowing that Mahpursh and Jatha where also staying there.

The Naamdhari's where given stage time, and did katha and many members of the jatha where taken back by the preechar done. During Ardaas, premi's who where doing Joryaan di Sevaa, ran away as they did not want to hear the blamsemphous ardaas of the Naamdhari's, who did not beleive in Sahib Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji as the jag-di-jot of Sahib Sri Guru Gobind Singh Sahib Ji.

The premi's quickly ran over and sat with Mahpursh. No one dared to say a word to mahpursh Baba Gurbachan Singh Ji, out of fear, as any talk outside of gurbani was not tolerated, and Mahpursh where always in a state of doing, or listening to Gurbani and no one would dare interupt it. The Singhs all sat with mahpursh wondering what should be done, and how the Naamdhari's should be dealt with.

Later in the evening diwan Sant Mahpursh Bhram Giani Sant Baba Gurbachan Singh Ji Khalsa, sat on stage and did Katha. Just by listening to the Katha the Naamdhari's realized who Mahpursh where (A true Sikh of Sahib Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji). The Katha hit deep down and the unfatmoable arth of Sahib Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji stung at the hearts of the Naamdhari's. Without wasting any time they all got there stuff together and ran away from Sri Hajoor Sahib Ji.

Morale: Many times we see parkhandhi babbay running prechaar against Sahib Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Quickly we are triggered to being angry and becoming hot headed. In this day and age espeically countless numbers of people are doing beadbi of Maharaaj and not conforming to parataan Rehat. By becoming angry and hot headed we are all causing fire, and likewise getting burned. Sahib Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is above all, they are untouchable and above all, it is no doubt our duty as the sons and daughters of Sahib Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji to have shardaa and respect towards Maharaaj, however acting out and acting rash is of no use to anyone.

The real way to act, should be to simply get on stage and do prechaar and Gurbani itself will teach and sting at the hearts of those doing wrong doings. Full faith in Gurbani should always be held. As Gurbani itself is above all, who are we to protect it? We can only simply ask for Gurbani to protect us. Many times we feel we need to protect Gurbani from evil mahaants, but just as children who get angry at someone teasing our parents, we fail to realize that this calling of names etc, is only bringing the other person down and weighing down on there own karm.

Sakhi typed as remembered, from the katha narration of Baba Charn Singh (Bhagat Ji).

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Sant Baba Jarnail Singh Ji Khalsa & encounter with police

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Sant Baba Jarnail Singh Ji Khalsa & encounter with police

Pre 84 a warrent was put out on Bhram Giani Mahpursh Sant Jarnail Singh Ji Khalsa Bhindranwale. The police had setup camp about a half mile away from Gurdhwara Sahib Gurdarshan Parkhash Mehta.

Sant Jarnail Singh Ji knowing the police's plan told the Singhs not to hold any enemity with the police officers and not one stone be thrown at them. He further told the Singhs that any stones thrown, directed at the police would be the equavilent of them throwing stones at him. Sant Jarnail Singh Ji then went and gave themselves up for arrest. The Singhs angered and upset at there inaction to prevent Mahpursh from being arrested where angered and infuriated that they let Mahpursh get treated with such disprespect that they all headed out towards the police camp.

The police ready quickly moved back and got set with guns and rifles pointing at the Singhs. The Singhs then retreated back and remebered the bachan of Mahpursh, but a few where still angry at their in-action when Sant Jarnail Singh Ji whome they held in high regard was being treated in a disrespectful manour by the police.

A dozen Singh not paying head to mahpursh dey bachan grabbed Kirpans and Tegh's and went outside and started to move towards the police camp. The police waited for the Singhs to come into a distance and then opened fire. 6, 7 Singhs got Shaheedi that day.

Morale: The morale I got was accept Mahpursh they bachan. Even if they seem far fetched. Its hard to blame the Singhs who went after the police even after mahpursh told them not to, because of the sharda they had for Sant Ji. But to think if they had adheared to Mahpursh dey bachan they wouldn't have had to give this (in my view) un-nessassarry Shaheedi.

Sakhi typed as remembered, from the katha narration of Baba Charn Singh (Bhagat Ji).

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Interview about Sant Baba Jarnail Singh Ji Khalsa Bhindranwale

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Interview about Sant Baba Jarnail Singh Ji Khalsa Bhindranwale
This is an interview with a Singh who was very close to Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale. It explains the personality of Jarnail Singh and teaches us so many things. I wil urge others to write more about Jarnail Singh personality and other Singhs who sacrificed their lives for Sikhi Kaum in June-Galughara. Their LOVE and sacrifice should always resides in our hearts. It reminds us this game of love and keep us alert from the Kaumi enemies.

“Was it odd for you that you used to have Jarnail Singh as just your friend, and then he was suddenly in a high position like that?”

“No, we understood that he was now the head. And friendship is……. Well, the friendship was of course still there. But we now showed greater respect to him because of his position.”

He went on. “Jarnail Singh Ji was not really very different as head of Damdami Taksal. He was just like he always was. He had a great peace of mind before he attained this position and after. He used to come to our rooms in the dormitory and we would laugh and laugh. He would ask about our troubles and problems and help us with them. He was so strict, too. If we would do anything wrong, he would not spare us!”

The Granthi laughed as he remembered, fondly, being disciplined by Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale.

“Would you say he was growing in his spiritual power during that time?”

“He had always made a strong impression on people, even before he was a Leader. He was the only person that virtually everybody respected. Even Sant Kartar Singh Ji, he would not treat Jarnail Singh Ji as a student or a disciple, but as an equal, a real Gursikh. He felt his power."

“Sant Jarnail Singh Ji had so much respect for Gurbani and Guru. Once I know we were sleeping in the same room, and we used to just lie in the floor rather than using beds. There were some prayer books up in the rafters and one time one somehow got loose and fell down at Jarnail Singh Ji’s feet. He was sleeping and didn’t realize what had happened. When he got up and saw the book lying by his feet he cried, “This is an insult to Gurubani, how could I do that?” He was very disturbed about this and wouldn’t eat or sleep. Sant Kartar Singh Ji went to him and said, ‘Jarnail Singh, this is not your mistake. You didn’t do anything wrong.’ But Jarnail Singh was in such a pain that he read the whole of the Guru Granth Sahib as an apology."

“You only love Gurbani like that when you know it has provided you so much. There are some people who respect it for nothing, it’s just a gesture. Just because of tradition they bow before it. Jarnail Singh Ji was not a tradition. He was the living image of Gurubani. If you wanted to see some Sikh out of the Guru Granth Sahib, Jarnail Singh Ji was the one.” Amarjit added, in a mood of nostalgia, “Jarnail Singh was such a gentle man, a very loving and spiritual person. Everybody felt this from him. You would have really liked to know him.”

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Incidents from Sant Baba Jarnail Singh Ji Bhindranwale's Life VIII

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Sant Ji arrested
When Sant Jee was arrested he was asked many questions by the interrogating officers one of the questions was:- "You are the 13th Jathedar of Damdami Taksal, the first Jathedar Baba Deep Singh fought on even though His head was chopped off. Do you think you are as powerful as Baba Deep Singh?"

Sant Jee replied, "Chop my head off and test your theory" (the police officers were shocked by the response and his audacity)

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Incidents from Sant Baba Jarnail Singh Ji Bhindranwale's Life VII

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Akhand Path at Sri Hemkunt Sahib
The Singhs went to Hemkunt Sahib and performed an Akhand Paath at the Gurdwara Sahib and one of Sant's friends had the midnight duty for Paath of 12am - 2am and he said he got lazy on the first night and asked Sant if he would do his duty - Sant Jee obliged and did all 4 hours to 4am. The next night this Singh got lazy again and asked Sant Jee to do the seva again, Sant Jee again obliged. This friend of Sant Jee then awoke at 4am and saw Sant Jee walking across the ice bare-footed as the sleeping quarters were a bit away from the Darbar. He asked Sant Jee if he was mad walking on ice and didn't he feel the cold - Sant Jee replied Dasmesh Pita looks after his Sikhs. (someone had taken Sant Jee's chapals while he was on the role/duty).

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Incidents from Sant Baba Jarnail Singh Ji Bhindranwale's Life VI

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Sant Ji doing the seva of Sehaj Path

Sant Jee was performing a Sehaj Paath & the electricity in the building went. The Singhs who were there went outdoors due to the heat indoors and after a couple of hours they went back indoors. One of the Singhs went straight indoors and saw Sant was still doing Paath and he asked Sant Jee how have you been reciting the Paath whilst the electricity was gone (as Sant Jee had done Parkash of the Pothi and carrying on as normal, even though the electricity had just come back - so he couldn't have set up the Pothis so quickly). Sant Jee said what can I say - the letters of Gurbani or shining to me in gold thus I could recite in the dark.

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Incidents from Sant Baba Jarnail Singh Ji Bhindranwale's Life V

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

An Important Meeting

It was a Sunday in May 1984. I arrived at Harmandar Sahib at 9 AM, and noticed an odd sadness everywhere. I came to the Parkarma and saw about 25 young men in yellow dastaars with kamarkasas marching. In the room underneath the stairs of Guru Ram Das langar, Sant jee's companions used to plan out strategy and have meetings. All outsiders used to enquire here first. I arrived there and asked Bhai Amreek Singh about the 25 men marching in the Parkarma. He answered "These Singhs are from Hazoor Sahib. They told the Kar Seva Babas that until the existing gurdvaras are secured and protected, there is no need to build new gurdvaras." Today I think that these young men had arrived from all over after receiving training, all according to Sant jee's strategy. Their march was to give warning to the government.

Bhai Armeek Singh said that in a little while the Jatha (Jatha Bhindran) would be having an important meeting on the roof of Sree Akaal Takhat Sahib. "Sant jee has asked that you (Dalbeer Singh) should certainly come to this meeting." I said that "I am neither a member of the Jatha, nor even amritdhaaree, how can I go to this meeting?" Bhai Sahib asked Sant jee on the intercom and said Sant jee wanted to speak to me in person. After answering my Fateh, he forcefully said "Gurmukha, you must come to the meeting." Answering my concerns, he said "I'm the head of the Jatha, and it is my decision to make about who can attend the meeting and who cannot".

At around 10 AM, I, Bhai Amreek Singh and others went to the highest roof of Sree Akaal Takhat Sahib where the meeting was to take place. Because there were too many Singhs and not enough room, they had made an "L" shape around the dome. Tyaar-bar-tyaar Singhs with yellow dastaars, yellow kamarkassas and knee length cholas and kachheras, with their weapons facing sky-ward were giving an amazing sight. This sight can be seen in paintings of puraatan times. I took a place in the corner facing Harmandar Sahib.

Sant jee came and stood in a corner. He could see all the Singhs form this spot. In his pure Punjabi, Sant jee said "Singho, I have called your meeting because the situation is very serious. A Jatha has come from Sree Hazoor Sahib and you should arrange weapons for them. Whoever amongst you have two weapons, should return one. You may choose which weapon you want to keep, because later on, there will be no changes. After this, Sant jee's assistant Bhai Rachhpal Singh took his small diary and began to take an account of the 100 Singhs' weapons. This took about half an hour.

Then Sant jee resumed his speech. He said "Singho, the government will according to its strategy surrounded us with 100 000 soldiers. It is possible that jets and helicopters could be used and parachute soldiers could be dropped onto the parkarma. But until then, you will not fire any weapons, until the soldiers fire. Let the government fire first. Until the soldiers jump from the planes, do not fire. But when they do, not one parachutist should land alive. Don't waste ammunition and you should take one life with each bullet at least. If the enemy comes very close, distribute the Ladoos (hand grenades). This will be a very terrifying incident but taking the support of Guru Ram Das jee's feet, we will pass this test. "

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh